Monday, August 20, 2007

Jackson is 6 Months Old Today!

Our little baby is growing up so fast! It is so hard for me to believe that just 6 months ago I never held or kissed or cuddled with my Little Prince. Looking back I now know how incomplete my life was. God gave us this most amazing miracle and every night I thank him for trusting me with such an amazing responsibility. It is a huge one! The biggest thing I will ever do in my life is to raise Jackson to be a good boy and then to grow to a strong young man. Every day is more exciting then the one before it. In just the past month, Jackson can now sit up unsupported, pull himself into sitting position, eats Stage Two solid foods, rolls all over the place, sits up to take a bath, and is almost ready to crawl! I can only imagine what the next 6 months has in store for us! It is so exciting and yet makes me a little sad- I want to send him on the shrimp boat or put a brick on his head as my parents used to say to Bonnie and I. I now completely understand why they would say that!

On Friday I take him to see Doctor Wagner for his 6-month check up. He will get his last set of Immunizations until he turns 1. So that is good. As necessary as they are, there is nothing I hate more then putting him through that. I am excited though to see how much he weighs. My guess is a little over 14lbs, so we shall see how close I am.

In a couple weeks we are all going to the Outer Banks with Sandy and Don. We are soooo looking forward to it. A vacation is MUCH needed. Plus it will be such fun seeing it through Jackson’s eyes- first time touching the sand and feeling the ocean on his toes. I have already started making my list of things we need to take. I think Jackson has more stuff then we do! I will be sure to post the pictures when we get back. I am sure there will so many precious ones.

Speaking of pictures, I have added tons of new ones. I know I haven’t updated in a little while so I caught up today. The August Folder will be ever changing until the end of the month, so be sure to check that one periodically.

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