Friday, January 9, 2009

Mommy, I Climb!

Oh Boy, so not ready for this!  So yesterday after Jackson decided to throw all of his toys all around the living room, after being told not to (multiple times) he got put in Time Out.  Time Out consists of Jackson being told what he did wrong and then being put into his crib for 1 minute with the door closed.  When 1 mintue is up we go back into his room, talk about what it was that was "naughty", we hug and kiss, he says he is sorry and it is done.  This is usually just the right amount of time alone that it will curb whatever it is that he was doing that was naughty and he will play nice again.  Well about 35 seconds into Time Out, I hear a loud thud and then crying.  I open up Jackson's door and what do I find directly on the other side- Jackson.  Yep, he climbed out of bed.  He isn't even 2 yet!  I scooped him up in my arms to comfort him, because he was indeed shocked at his accomplishment.

I asked him how in the world he got out of bed, which then brought huge smiles inbetween the sobs, he points to his crib and said "Mommy, I climb."

"I see that", I told him.

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