Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swings and Things

This summer will mark our third year in our sweet little home. The first summer I was quite pregnant, so doing much yard work wasn't really something I was too interrested in.  So many things waited.  Last year, after assessing the trees, bushes and a heck of a lot of weeds, Scott went to work big time clearing out much of the mess that was the back of our yard.  We let winter do it's job and clear out the rest.  Now it is spring again, and we are in full swing to get our yard a place we really want to spend time in.  Jackson is ALL boy, hunting for bugs, collecting sticks and lining up rocks are amongst his favorite outdoor past times.  But we realized very quickly now that he is full on the move, that this kid has A LOT of energy and needs more ways of buring it off!  So this month we are building a swingset for our Little Man and a picninc table for us!  Right now, I don't know who is more excited, me or Jackson.  As a kid I was the swinging champion (Bonnie many try and argue this fact that she was indeed that, but don't listen to her...haha).  I can't wait to have a place to play- don't get me wrong, collecting stuff is cool and all.  It will just fun to have something else to do as well!  Construction starts on May 16th, so expect pictures to follow!  Yay!

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