Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Rumors are all True....

Come April, we will no longer be a family of three!! Yay, there is another baby on the way! We are so very, very excited! I have been trying to hold off posting anything on here until we told as many of you in person ourselves, but if we happened to miss any of you, we are so sorry!

Things are still really early, I am only 6 weeks and 5 days pregnant (I'm not counting already or anything!) But as with Jackson, I see no need to wait- goodness, I don't think it is possible for me to wait! A New Life is much too exciting to keep to one's self. I want to start documenting this pregnancy as much as I did with Jackson because I just love going back and reading my past thoughts and experiences. Plus maybe one day and Jackson and New Baby will want to read about their life while inside Mommy. The longer I wait to tell our news, the more posts I have to catch up on... and goodness knows I have had problems getting the time to post on here on a regular basis as is. I will be better- I swear.

We found out we were pregnant on Tuesday, August 4th. I knew I was going to be testing this morning and I asked Scott the night before if he wanted me to test first thing while he was home or to suprise him later with the news. He told me to wait because if he found out first thing he wouldn't have been able to concentrate at work. So as soon as he left for work, before Jackson even woke up I ran to the bathroom to take my test. And sure enough a tiny little faint line showed up. Yayyayayayayy! But of course, it was faint and I needed to retest, so off to the store we went and bought one more test- just to make sure....sure enough, we got another possitive! Luckily Scott only had to work a half a day, so I didn't have to wait long to tell our news. We're having a baby!

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