Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Guess Who's Made a Comeback

Nausea!!  Wouldn't you know it?!  It seemed to go away around 12 weeks or so, I was feeling great!  But as soon as i get into the second trimester it came back with a vengeance.  I woke up yesterday morning and was so sick.  I couldn't leave the bathroom from 7:00 am until after 10:30.  I finally called my mom and she came right over to pick up me and little man, so she could help if I needed anything and also to keep Jackson busy so I could rest in quiet.  Well once she got over I honestly didn't think I could drive anywhere in a car.  I. Felt. Like. Crap.  So she took Jackson with her and I stayed home.  I was able to rest some, and finally even get in the shower.  By 1:00 I was feeling much better, good enough to head over to my mom's.  After getting there and seeing Jackson was having an absolute blast, I decided I need to lay down a bit.  2 hours later(!!!) I awoke, and aside from feeling a bit groggy and only slightly nauseated I was doing much better.  I had spoken to my doctor and she told me that unfortunately when a woman still feels nausea this bad into the second trimester she very well may have it throughout the rest of their pregnancy.  Lets all hope and pray that this is not the case!  Yikes!

14 weeks, in my parents backyard

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