Sunday, December 19, 2010

Has it really been 5 weeks already?!

Owen, one month old 
December 14, 2010

The brown pictures are from 4 weeks and the blue pictures are from 5 weeks.  I can't believe I can see a difference in Owen in just ONE week!  They grow too fast!

Well it has been one incredibly fast, whirlwind 5 weeks!  Honestly I don't know where in the world it has gone!  I feel like I must have just left the hospital, but in actuality we have a beautiful little boy that has already grown out of newborn diapers and clothes!  Owen is growing so very fast, I feel like he is going to be a toddler before I know it!  One of the best new advances are definitely the smiles.  They are coming like crazy now- I seriously can't get enough of them!  They melt my heart and make me fall deeper and deeper in love with this little guy every single time.  Another fun thing is that his range of vision is getting farther and he can focus on objects now.  The other night Scott and I were having fun walking back and forth in front of Owen watching him follow us, turning his head from side to side to see everywhere we were moving to.

Owen's wake periods are also longer now.  He went from sleeping probably 20-22 hours out of the 24 in a day to being awake a lot of the day now.  He goes in and out from cat nap to awake and smiling to another cat nap.  He then takes a nice long afternoon nap, which just so happens to fall at the same time Jackson takes his 2 hour nap! Yeah, I know I am very lucky.  I am hoping it lasts as long as possible!  hehehee....

Doesn't Jackson look just huge?!!
Owen one month, Jackson 45 months

Life is finally getting back to "normal", at least our new normal!!  Jackson is learning that this is how our life is going to be from now on and his testing of Scott and I is getting less and less.  My hormones and emotions are also leveling out (thank goodness!) so I don't feel like a lunatic every other minute.  Postpartum is insane!  I totally forgot how up and down it can make you feel.  Those early weeks had times that made me so nervous of now being a mom of two- could I actually handle this?!  But now life is just good, and I know that yes of course I can.  I was made to be a mom and oh how I am loving it.

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