Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Jackson is 9 months old!

Happy birthday my little man! You have now lived exactly the same amount of time on earth as you did in my tummy- pretty neat!

Jackson has been growing so fast and learning so very much! His new favorite thing to do is wave. He waves at everyone and everything- the TV, mommy and daddy, his stuffed animals, people in the stores- you name it! And of course everyone loves it and has to come over and say Hello. His other tricks are giving you a Hi-5, playing peek-a-boo, and playing Steal the Pacifier. He is also SUPER ticklish and laughs the cutest giggle when you get him in just the right spot.

Jackson has become one busy, busy boy! He is always on the move- and fast! He has become a master at cruising the furniture and even took his first two steps unassisted on Thursday, the 15th! We are so proud of him. He has this push toy that he loves. He stands behind it and walks all over the place. He has gotten so good and so fast, it is very impressive! At this rate he will be walking in no time! Then Mommy and Daddy- Watch Out!

His other favorite past time is chasing the cats, Ringo especially. Memphis will let him get just close enough to touch, but the moment Jackson tries he walks just out of reach. But Ringo... oh boy. Ringo is such an attention kitty; once Jackson learns how to play and pet the kitties gently him and Ringo will be fast friends. Right now Jackson thinks that petting involves grabbing handfuls of hair and also enjoys lying right on top of him. But surprisingly Ringo doesn't care. He just lies there and lets Jackson abuse him! It makes us a bit nervous that Ringo will get mad and lash out one of these times, but so far Ringo has been super patient and I honestly thinks he like the attention he is getting.

Here is a list of Jackson favorites as of 9 months:

Favorite Toys: blocks, cars and balls
Favorite Movies: Praise Baby and Baby Einstein
Favorite Book: "I Love You Through and Through"
Favorite Snack: Cheerios or "O's" as we call them in our house
Favorite Foods: Macaroni and Cheese, yogurt, all fruits, especially bananas and pears, cheese, Spaghetti with meat sauce, Broccoli and Chicken, carrots, and of all things- gooseliver! Must be the German in him! Jackson loves to eat and likes pretty much everything except green beans and baby food peas (although he likes regular peas that aren't mashed up)!

How Big is Jackson- So Big!
Diaper size: 3
Clothing sizes: 9 months in pants and 9-12 months in shirts!
Shoe size: 2

Life in our household is just so much fun! Every day is something new and exciting. We are really looking forward to his first Thanksgiving and first Christmas- what a special time of year this is going to be!

This Thursday is Thanksgiving and then the day after we have a tradition with my immediate side of the family where us girls (me, my mom and Bonnie- plus the kids) go shopping and spend the day bumming around. And then that evening we meet up with the guys and go out to dinner at Bucci's in Berea. I am sure I will be taking lots of pictures so be sure to check back often!

We hope you all have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

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