Monday, December 10, 2007

Jackson's 9 month Doctor's Appointment

On Thursday, December 6th I took Jackson to see Dr. Biglow (formally Dr. Wagner- she got married) for his 9 month doctor's appointment. It went really well. He is still a peanut weight wise, weighing in at 16lbs 2oz. His height is 27inches and his head is 17 inches- all right on for his stature. His doctor was very impressed that he is cruising furniture and even taking 1-2 steps unassisted every now and then at 9 months. Also that he is saying "Mom" and "Dad" and knowing who to call what at this point. His milestones are a bit ahead of the game so we are on the right track for sure. She couldn't get over how much he has changed, looks-wise since when he was born. She even commented on how much he looks likes his cousins- Anna especially. But we have been hearing that from eveyone lately! There is no denying they are related, that is for sure!

I decided to have Jackson get a flu shot at this appoitment. Dr. Biglow said that the AAP recommends it for all children 6 months of age and up, but it was up to me to decide if I wanted to. Jackson has such a tough time when he isn't feeling good, I couldn't imagine him suffering through the flu. Especially since now all the cold medicine has been pulled from the drug stores, there wouldn't be much to help make him feel any better. The shot really didn't effect him too much. He woke up more then usual in the middle of the night, but other then that he handled it well. We go back in a month for the second dose of the vaccine and also for a reweigh. We will see a different doctor at that appontment becasue Dr. Biglow will be on maternitiy leave. She is due in 15 days! How exciting for her. I am very curious as to how she will change as a doctor once she has a child of her own. She is extremly overly cautious about things, which I don't necessarily mind. Better to be that way then to blow things off when it could turn out to be serious. But I wonder if it will make her a little more relaxed about somethings- or at least a bit more realisitic once she is dealing with a baby every moment of her life. We shall see!

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