Friday, May 23, 2008

Too-ha! **updated with more words!

Sorry it has been a while since we wrote last. Life has been BUSY! This is the Summer of Weddings. Most of you kow that 4 of my girlfriends are getting married this year and I am a bridesmaid in 3 of those weddings, and am doing a reading in the forth. So between Wedding Showers, Bachelorette Parties and the weddings in general my mind has been everywhere! One of the most exciting things coming up for us is that one of the weddings we are going to is in Scotland! Yep, that's right, that little place located in the United Kingdom! My girlfriend Marisa whom I met when I was working in Boston moved out there, fell in love and the rest is history. She asked that if we could swing the trip she would love for me to be in her wedding. How could I say no?! What an amazing opportunity!

We are so very excited- but nervous at the same time. This will be by far the longest I have ever been away from Jackson. We've done a few overnights, but that is it. This trip will keep us away for a whole week. While we are gone he will be staying with my parents, so I know he will be in excellent hands. But I still worry. Of course these past few weeks he has decided to become incredibly clingy with me. He can't stand it if I even leave the room for a moment. This makes dropping him off at my sisters while I work a challenge; even going out as a family to parties it takes him a while before he realizes I'm not going to leave him. I just hope that us leaving him for so long won't hurt him too badly. I have to make myself remain positive or I will drive myself crazy and not want to go. But we have already bought our plane tickets; reserved our hotel room and I even have my bridesmaid dress- no backing out now! But it will be good for Scott and I. With our opposite work schedules and me being so busy with all this wedding stuff our time together has been limited. We see each other for a quick kiss hello and a kiss goodnight (usually when one of us has already been sleeping!) and that is about it. The trip will be a lovely time to catch up on us.

Aside from wedding stuff we have been having so much fun with little man. He grows more and more every single day! Jackson has really been moving along on the development train. He can climb up on the couch and chair and get down all by himself and he us sooooo super fast going up the stairs. This second part freaks me out a bit since he doesn't know how to get down quite yet. I have to remember to leave the door to the attic closed or he is running up them! His talking is also coming much more quickly. Just the other day he said two new words in the same day! He has a few favorites, but so far these are his words:
Mom Mom
Ma Ma (Mimi)
Bon Bon (Auntie Bonnie)
Pop (Pop- sometimes he calls Don Papa too, but it is pretty close!)
Ball (definately Jackson's favorite word or thing!)
Mah (More)
sta (star)
Isss (Memphis, our cat)
Ra Ra (Ringo, our other cat)

Baba (bottle and pacifier- uses these two a lot. Knows the difference between the two. Just so happens to use the same word for both)

This/ Look at This/ What's This (uses these three a lot. Each distinctively sound different. Seems to know the difference)

Buffalo (Grammy and Pop brought him a stuffed buffalo home from their trip to South Dakota and he learned the word right away)

itty (kitty- although he hasn't said this one in a while)** He just said it tonight! That's what I get for saying he doesn't say things... he has to proove me wrong!

Yes (this is one of this newest words. When you ask him if he wants something he says "Yes Yes Yes!")

Too Ha (toothbrush. This is one of his other new words. Yes we know this seems like a strange word to learn. But him and Sophie are obsessed with toothbrushes and brushing their teeth. I guess there are worse things!)

Buh Ball (football)


Ah-oh! (He says this when something falls, or he drops something, etc.)

WaWa (water, another of his new words)

So that is 26 words so far and he is only 15 months old. I think that is pretty darn good! Although I am thinking there are more words, but for some reason they are escaping me! I will add them if I think of more. I think one of the coolest things is that he can now ask me for things with using words. He doesn’t have to just point and have me try and guess what he wants. He is also starting to mimic the sounds of animals, which is super cute. He does the kitty Meow and also an elephant (with arm motions for the trunk and everything. I love it! It seems like everyday there is something else new going on or coming out of his mouth- just amazing.

Well, if I don’t get a chance to write before we leave, I promise to give a full report of our trip and also Jackson’s first vacation away from mommy and daddy!

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