Thursday, May 1, 2008

Our Little Nature Boy

I was chatting with a girlfriend the other day and she was telling me about this game that she plays with her kids. It is "The Sign's Of Spring" game. It is quite simple really, all you do is whenever you see something that has to do with Spring, you point it out and then when they go home they either write about it or draw a picture of it in their Spring Journal. They keep these every year and look back at the end of the season and see how the children’s observations have grown. Plus it is a neat way to keep a "farmer's almanac" in a sense. They can see if they saw their first robin around the same time or if the daffodils popped their heads out a week early this year. I think that is such a great idea and I look forward to playing this game with Jackson, as he gets bigger.

Spring has definitely come our way for we are getting more and more nice days. On Monday it actually reached 60 degrees! Whoopee!!! Finally what I have been waiting for- a chance to play outside! So after a really nice visit with GiGi in the nursing home Jackson and I ran around outside and explored. The grass was still sopping wet so we had to stay on the driveway. But this was fine with both of us! It was just so much fun running around, collecting rocks and Jackson just LOVED watching the leaves blow around in the wind! It was so much fun watching Jackson's eyes light up and all of the new things he was discovering. Lately he has become attached to a stuffed bunny we have named Hop. Hop has been going many places with us, and today was no exception. I took a bunch of pictures of our playtime outside and you will see our little friend in many of them. Jackson and Hop are cute little buddies.

Yesterday it was a bit chilly, but with the sun shining so bright it looked like a beautiful day. We were both feeling a little bit of cabin fever, so I bundled Jackson up, took our trusty new red pail and went outside to explore some more. The grass was drier this time so we were actually able to walk around in the yard a bit to look for leaves. Jackson had so much fun collecting treasures! He found our pathway that leads from the driveway to our patio and discovered all of the wonderful tiny stones that fit perfectly in his little hands. We played over here for the longest time. Grammy and Pop, that red pail you got Jackson for Easter is so perfect for collecting treasures- it can hold so much! Plus it is perfect to then dump out and start all over again with! So thank you very much, we both love it!

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you about one of the best parts of the day. Jackson discovered a worm. Yep, a big, fat, juicy worm. It was finding it's way back to the grass and Jackson was soooo interested in him. He reached out his little finger and very gently gave it a touch. Ewwwwww!!! Jackson jumped back and gave a bit of a shudder. Not at all what he expected that weird looking thing to feel like! But he had to go back and examine him some more. We must have watched this worm for a good 5 minutes- that is a long time in toddler time! Then it was off to collect more rocks and leaves. It is going to be so much fun watching Jackson experience all these new things in nature. I can't wait until I get him a pair of Wellingtons so we can walk down to the creek and look for frogs. Now that will be a site!

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