Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Death and Rebirth of "Tag"

I did a very bad thing a few weeks ago.....

I was giving Jackson his bedtime bottle. He must have had a bit of an air bubble in his tummy because he ended up getting sick all over the two of us. No big deal, this has happened before. We just strip all down and throw everything in the washer to get nice and fresh again. So I did just like I always do. It was late so I just let it go while we went to bed and I figured I would throw it in the drier when we woke up. Well that next morning I went down to take care of everything and I looked in the drier and what did I see? Everything had turned orange- including Tag. Tag, if you didn't know is Jackson's precious baby blue blanket. You have seen it in millions of his pictures. He loooooves this thing. Love is probably an understatement. He carries it everywhere, he sleeps with it every night, it soothes him while having a bottle- basically it is his best friend next to Scott and me.

When I saw his special blanket I instantly broke into tears. I felt terrible! It turns out the shirt I was wearing that night had red dye that bled onto everything else. I instantly put stain remover on Tag, and put him back into the washer two more times to try and get the red dye out. But unfortunately it didn't work. All it did was turn Tag this horribly ugly shade of dirty flesh.

So onto a Tag hunt we were! First stop was Target. They had blue thermal Gerber blankets, but not the same light blue color of Tag. I picked one of them up just incase that was all I could find, hoping that the color wouldn't matter too much. I brought it home, washed it so it would smell like Tag- but Jackson isn't dumb. He didn't buy it for an instant that this dark blue blanket was his special Tag. Ok, next stop was Kmart. No Gerber blankets what so ever here. Oh boy, I was running out of options!

And then a light when on in my head- Baby's R Us!!! They just had to have it! So I gave them a call and the nice lady on the phone assured me they had a baby blue thermal Gerber brand blanket in stock in their store. The Messiah Chorus started playing in my head- Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!!! So in the car we went as fast as we could, just incase there was a huge rush of mom's running out to buy baby blue colored blankets! Over to the bedding department we ran and there on the bottom shelf, just waiting patiently for us, was a beautiful, brand new baby blue Gerber thermal blanket. As soon as Jackson saw it in the shopping cart he started calling "Tag, Tag!" Yay, I think this is going to work!

We came home; I put Jackson down for a nap and got to work on our new Tag. Now you see the reason we have named this blanket Tag is because the best part of it, according to Jackson, is the silky tag that he has rubbed down to almost nothing. I must admit I was getting a little nervous because the tag was indeed getting a bit ratty. What was I going to do if it got rubbed to nothing at all?! So while Jackson was sleeping I washed and dried the blanket and then cut the special old tag off of the now dirty flesh colored blanket and sewed it onto the new beautiful blanket. Now, Tag has not only the special old tag on it, but also a brand new one he can start breaking in. After it was finished I draped him over the arm of the chair in the living room waiting patiently for Jackson to wake up and see him. I crossed my fingers and held my breath that this new Tag would be as good as the old trusty blanket.

The moment Jackson waked into other room, the first thing he saw was Tag, went running for him and calling out "Tag, Tag, Tag!!" Just like finding a long lost friend. It worked!!!! Time for the Halleluiah chorus again! Tag has been reborn! Yayayyayayay!

I have now learned a very important lesson. Always, always, always separate reds from baby blues in the washing machine. No mater how many times you have washed something before, it could possibly run onto something very important.

Ok, I need to run. We have to go to Baby's R Us to get a back up baby blue thermal Blanket just incase ANYTHING happens to Tag again!

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