Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cars "All Line Up" Mommy!

This month I have really noticed such a change in Jackson. He is becoming much more attentive to detail, and is starting to come up with his own make believe games. Toys do more then just move from one place to the next. Now he actually plays with them. He just loves driving his "baby cars" as he calls them (matchbox cars) around his road carpet, accross the wood floor, up the wall, just about everywhere! But I have noticed that he is very much like his Auntie Bon Bon was when she was a kid. To her, the setting up of a game was almost more fun then the actual playing of it. His newest favorite game is getting all his "papa trucks" out and making them "all line up". He puts every car side by side to the next one until they are in a nice long line. He never puts them nose to nose, always side by side. And they have to be touching. He will work so vey hard at this and never wants help. After he gets them just so he comes running for me calling "Mommy come look!". Jackson cars all line up". He is so, so proud of himself, it is the cutest thing. I them tell him how awesome they all look and then he gives me a high five. I love it!

The picture you see is from this morning. I was checking my email in the office while he was very busy in his bedroom playing with his blocks and trucks. After a few minutes he comes running in the room, "Mommy come look! Jackson build house!" So the picture is of his awesome line up job and also Jackson's very first "house" he built all by himself with blocks- without any help or incouragement. He was so proud, and so was I!

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