Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A is for Alligator

For a long time now Jackson has been able to SING the alphabet. But I can't really say that he actually KNOWS his alphabet, he gets letters right here and there but they are still pretty tricky overall. A few months ago we got him an alphabet puzzle, which he loves. But the letters are still difficult for him. There are just too many at one time to try and learn- 26 is a lot! So we have started a new project- A Letter a Day. We are going to focus on just one letter each day and hopefully that will take the confusion out of things a little bit. Today was the Letter "A" and he had so much fun doing our first picture "A is for Alligator" we had to do one more, "A is for Airplane."

After completing the pictures we went over to his Alphabet poster that hangs on his door and I asked him to show me where the "A" was. He studied it for just a moment and then was able to pick it out! An hour later we went over to the poster another time and again he spotted it. So then we went on a scavenger hunt and looked all over the house for the letter A, on cookbooks, movies, in the pantry, and each and every time he found the A's! I think this project just might work after all! Thanks to this awesome website call No Time for Flash Cards for the idea. She has so many cool art projects and pairs them with books and they are all catered to preschoolers. We have done tons of ideas and they never disappoint. Stay tuned for the next 25 letters in our learning adventure.

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