Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Looks Like I Have a Confession to Make....

I seriously thought I wasn't having any real cravings this pregnancy.  Nothing seemed to jump out at me as "I HAVE to have that! And- NOW!"  When I was pregnant with Jackson, I could have eaten red meat and potatoes at every meal (I didn't- but I could have!).  But after grocery shopping it has become clear.  I have an addiction to carbohydrates. Yesterday I came home with bread, bagels, croissants, pasta, cereal, hamburger buns, bananas and eggs.  I also baked chocolate chip cookies on Sunday night and baked Oatmeal Blueberry Applesauce Muffins yesterday afternoon.  In my defense, I am not the only one eating it all.  But I guess I didn't really need to buy bagels and croissants in the same shopping trip.  Actually after reading my shopping list I could also say I have an addiction to breakfast food... hmmm.  Well at least the sight and thought of food doesn't make my stomach do cartwheels and make me feel like I am floating on a rocking boat.  It was bound to catch up with me sooner then later!

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