Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Zoo Time!

A few weeks ago we took the kids to the Rocky River Nature Center, or "Little Zoo" as we like to call it. They have lots of animals there to look at, deer, turtles, fish, raccoons, bunnies, and even a bald eagle. Anna loves this place and even had her birthday party here one year. But boy oh boy did the babies love it this time! They got so excited every time they would see a new animal. It was so cute! So we knew they were defiantly ready for the big stuff....

So on Friday Bonnie and I decided to take our chances on the iffy weather (they had been forecasting rain off and on all day) and take the kids to the zoo for some fun and exercise (for Bonnie and I!) Bonnie has a zoo membership so it works out nicely that if it does indeed rain you won't be wasting money since it is free to get in. The first animals we saw were the elephants. Oh my goodness did Sophie get excited! She and Jackson have just learned how to make the elephant sound, with the arm up and everything, so this was very cool for them to see elephants so big and close. Every part of the zoo was such an experience for them, all the people, the animals; the pretty trees in the breeze- everything! They couldn't get enough. And Anna loved being the big sister and cousin and made sure to point out all of her favorite things to them.

We even discovered an itty-bitty baby turtle that was lost, walking on the main path by the swans. We made sure to scoop him up and put him back into a safe place to save him from an unsuspecting foot. He was only about the size of a half dollar- so cute!!!

Another absolute favorite of the day were the seals. Boy do these guys know how to put on a show! Their trainers were in there with them today so we got to see them do tricks, watch them be fed and groomed and of course perform with their silly antics. The babies couldn't get enough! They were squealing and laughing every time the seals did anything new. If this didn't convince me that I needed to get a zoo membership this year I don't know what will!

It ended up being a gorgeous day, without a cloud in the sky (mommy even got a little sunburned!) and definite blast for everyone. We can't wait to go back- and this time bring a camera with a fully charged battery! Zoo anyone?!

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