Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My baby just can't catch a break.

The poor little guy.  Thank goodness he is the happiest little kid, because for some this crap could really get you down in the dumps!  Over a month ago Owen had a virus and broke out in a tiny bumpy little rash.  It wasn't too big of a deal, but what the rash did was.  It gave him a full on excema flare up.  He had big dry, itchy patches of it all over his body. I did everything I could to get ride of it.  We tried the prescribed steroid cream, which helped for a while but the itchy excema would come right back. I would try the cream again and again it would work for a few days and then come right back.  I couldn't keep using the steroids on his little 15 month old body so lotion and lots of it was our next course of action.

Everyone in this house has sensitive skin so nothing but Cetephil for lotions and body washes and for laundry detergents it was free and clear all the way.  No pretty lavenders or fresh mountian air in our house...  It couldn't possibly be topical- but then again who knows.

Owen was happy, just super duper dry and itchy.

And then yesterday came.  I got him out of his crib to start the day, lay him down to change his diaper and Holy Moly! My boy was covered in bright red spots!  It looked like measles, but of course I knew it wasn't that.  It looked similar to when he had an allergic reaction to the flu shot, only this time the bumps were raised.  They were very itchy and you could tell he was just uncomfortable.  They were mostly on his belly and moving up his chest.  By the afternoon his entire truck was covered and they were moving around to his back.  By this morning his whole head, face, neck, belly, back and arms are covered in these itchy, raised red bumps.

Back to the doctors office we go.  Yes, they ALL know us by name now.  This is getting ridiculous.

Dr. Drazdik believes that he has a food allergy.  This was something I suspected but really, really hoped wasn't the case.  But add in him being affected by the flu shot.  Then the case of excema flare up that wouldn't go away and now this head to toe rash. The location of the rash indicates that it is most likely something he ate, not topical.  So guess what.  Owen is now off milk (and dairy), eggs, peanuts and strawberries until he visits an allergist.  The poor little guy needs to get an allergy test done.  I am so sad.  I know how uncomfortable those can be.

He also has a yeast infection, and is teething.  All in all he isn't a happy camper.

So much has been happening to my little boy in his short life already!  Thank you Lord that none of it has been life threatening, or all that serious.  But it still puts stress on his body and on his worrisome parents.

So now I ask all of you out there that deal with these particular allergies, any suggestions for alternative food products (so far he has taken to Soy Milk in place of the Whole Cows Milk).  Places for good, and yummy recipes, etc?  This will be a whole new way of me cooking for him so any advice will be helpful!  What are some good dairy free  substitutions that still taste good?  He LOVES his yogurt, I feel so bad that he can't have it anymore.  Or are there soy or dairy free ones?  Blah.  None of this is for sure until his allergy test, but I figure it won't hurt for me to start looking around.

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