Saturday, March 1, 2008

Jackson has 2 more Teeth!

After some super tough teething days, Jackson's top two teeth next to his middle ones finally broke through! Yay! He now has 6 teeth total- 4 on the top and two on the bottom. We noticed they came through this past weekend on Sunday, February 24th.

But along with the good news we got some bad....

Poor little man, on Sunday afternoon while shopping at Borders with Mommy and Daddy, got what seemed to be a case of being overheated. He had dozed off in the car and we just kept him in his car seat in the stroller. Took his hat off, unzipped his coat but just let him snooze. Well he woke up while we were shopping and just didn't look right. He had a greenish tint to his skin and a glossy look to his eyes. We immediately took him out of his seat, took off his coat and sweater and gave him some nice cold water to drink and crackers to calm his tummy. He was so out of it he was actually shaking and giving the look of being ready to throw up. After a little bit he finally started looking a bit better. We fed him some lunch and let him walk around a bit to get his blood flowing. Once he started looking more himself we decided to get him home. Once we got there I sat down with him to give him a bottle. He drank for about a minute and then sat up and proceeded to throw up everywhere. Ugh, the poor little guy! He has never thrown up like that before. It scared him a bit and made him weepy. But after he calmed down he seemed to feel almost back to normal. He was playing and acting silly. He went to bed that night and that is when the coughing started.

Well what we thought was only a case of being over heated ended up turning into a double ear infection and the beginnings of a sinus infection! The past few days have been pretty trying on all of us. Jackson has this terrible cough that makes him gag afterwards. He has all this phlegm from his sinus infection he is trying to cough it up but doesn't know what to do. So he gags, and many times coughs so hard it makes him throw up. He had been running a low-grade fever off and on and that was while taking Motrin. The doctor was a little concerned that he had a fever of 100.1 while under a fever reducer so they had me bring him in. And I am so thankful I did it when I did! Out doctor told me that if I would have waited even one day his ears and sinus would have been full blown and he would have been in terrible pain. So we had perfect timing. They prescribed Jackson some Amoxicillin that he needs to take for the next 10 days. After just two doses of it you could tell he was already feeling much better. The tough part though is getting it in him- and keeping it in. He HATES it. The moment you put it in his mouth he spits it right back out. And of course it is bright pink so now everything he has been wearing and everything I have been wearing has these lovely bright pink stains on them. Between the medicine and the throw up my washing machine has been on over drive! I finally figured I had to try something else. He HAS to take this stuff to get better and I can’t keep wasting it. So I found that if I put it in his oatmeal with his fruit he has no idea and gobbles it right up. Thank goodness! Success!

Now after 3 full days on antibiotics he is much more himself and actually playing again instead of just wandering around. He is still really clingy and a bit weepy, but at least he is on the mend. Taking care of a sick baby is hard work! Mommy is worn out! But I am just happy he is doing better. 4 days of throwing up will tire anyone out! Get better soon my little prince!

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