Thursday, March 6, 2008

It is official- spring is on it's way....

Sort of. At least Cleveland Style. On Monday, Jackson and I woke up to the most beautiful day! The sun was shining and the snow was melting big time. At a closer look, we could see the sidewalks were pretty much all clear- wait a minute! Does that actually mean we could go for a walk today?! Yay! Daddy must have been thinking about us and wondering the same thing because in his good morning phone call he told us that it was going to be really warm today and that we should go for a walk to get rid of the cabin fever we had both been feeling since being sick. Hot Dog- outside it is!

Jackson had a really good morning nap and woke up, ate a big lunch (finally his appetite is starting to come back!) and just as we were about to call our neighbor to join us with her kids, Lora rang us and asked if we wanted to play outside. Two stay at home mommy's dying to get the kids out of the house- and us too, really! I decided to try out our brand new stroller from Grandpa and Grandma Kanengeiser. It is this really cool lime green umbrella stroller- but updated to today's standards. It has a basket underneath to hold a diaper bag, etc. and a canopy, plus it is taller then most umbrella strollers so you don't have to hunch over to push it. Jackson also gets to sit up more to explore the world better then in his huge travel system. For our walk today it worked out perfect. There was still snow in spots, and this stroller made it so easy to maneuver around and over it. So thank you again Grandma and Grandpa- we love it!

I can't even tell you how wonderful it was to get outside. And we all felt it. Jonah drove his Jeep, and Jackson and Mari enjoyed their stroller walks- and Lora and I got to get a little exercise. Much needed at least for me, I have to say! After the walk I took Jackson out of the stroller and let him walk around a bit. He is such a boy. What was the first place he had to go play in- yup, the huge water puddle! He ran right to it and stomped around. *Mental Note* I'm going to have to get him a pair of boots to play outside in! And then, even better he eyed up an even bigger, even muddier puddle and sat right down in it. Boy was he surprised when he got all wet! It was too cute! But he didn't mind, and if it weren’t time for a nap we would have played out there longer!

Unfortunately the next day turned cold again and now I am looking out my office window to ice covered trees and a few inches of snow. Blagh. But the forecasters are saying 40's for tomorrow. So there is definite hope for spring soon enough- well maybe not soon enough, but coming never the less!

**On a side note** You can now view the pictures in each album as a slide show. Now you don't have to click through each one if you didn't want to. Nice new feature!

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