Friday, March 21, 2008

Yay for Green Vegetables!!!

So our little man has not been a big fan of any green veggies since he was able to eat solid foods. Ok, that is putting it nicely- he DISPISED them. He would gag on them like I was trying to feed him cardboard. Either that or he would spit them out all over me, himself, the walls, his highchair- in other words they weren't going anywhere near his tummy! This posed as a bit tricky for me, because I know how essential those vitamins were. I could sometimes sneak them in if I mixed them with his carrots. But he usually figured it out about halfway through.

Well I decided to give them another shot seeing as he IS one year old now; such a big boy! I started with 'Sweet Peas' because I thought they would go over the best. And boy did he gobble them up! Mommy was so excited! The next day I thought I would try 'Spinach and Carrots'. He loved this one even more! But then again, it did have his favorite veggie, carrots in it. Yesterday I moved on to the biggest obstacle thus far- the dreaded 'Green Beans'. These have been on his "Yuck List" for a long time. I could never sneak these things in- he knew every time. So I was really going out on a limb today! The one I choose was 'Green Beans and Turkey'. ...Ok, fingers crossed....let's give it a shot, I have my washcloth and face mask ready ....Wow, you would have thought these were his favorite food all along! Now, I think Jackson has been fooling Mommy all this time because he couldn't possibly love them all so much all of a sudden. That stinker... hahahaha. Well either way I am thrilled. So now maybe we can finally get rid of that orangish tint to his complexion :) Yay!

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