Wednesday, February 20, 2008

One year ago today....

It is so hard to believe that already one whole year has gone by! Just one year ago today we were in the hospital well into labor. I write this at 10:15pm. By this time I do not really remember too much... labor was a bit fuzzy at this point. I do believe I was given a second dose of my epidural, and I think we were trying to rest a bit. What I do remember was that the show 24 was on. We were trying so hard to watch it (we are MAJOR 24 junkies- thanks mom and dad!) but I was so uncomfortable I made Scott turn the volume almost off. The poor guy had to watch it reading lips ...hahahaha, sorry babe! We thought things would really get moving at this point, I was dilating and all was good. But then Jackson started not reacting well to the Pitosin so they had to take me off it and give me oxygen. But when I was off Pitosin, the contractions slowed waaaayyyyyy down, which meant my labor slowed way down. So we played with the back and forth thing for what felt like forever. The rest is a bit foggy but I know it was hard. Honestly the hardest thing I have ever done. But then finally in just 10 more hours our sweet little man was born.

When I would talk to other mom's about childbirth and if it really is so terrible; all would say you forget how bad it is after you have your beautiful child to hold. I thought this was all crap. Yeah right! How could a person really forget something so awful?! But you know what, they were right. Yes, it was hard; yes I know it was painful. But was it so bad I wouldn't do it again? Nope. I honestly can't even describe the pain or tell you truthfully what it was like. God created something truly amazing in us Mom's. A blinder of sorts. He just kind of put a fog around us during that time to make it OK, and then he gave us the most beautiful love story we will ever live.

Thank you God for blessing us with the most beautiful, handsome, fun, crazy, wild, happy, most cuddly little boy in the world! We love you Jackson- and welcome to one amazing year of life!!! I can't wait to see all of the years to come.

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