Friday, May 18, 2007

I gave my 2 weeks notice at work!

Well Monday was my first day back to work from maternity leave. What a loooooooooong week this has been. Bonnie is our nanny, so at least I did not have to stress over Day Care. But the worst part (aside from having to leave Jackson) is that Bonnie lives a half hour away from me and then she is an hour away from my work- yup, that makes 3 hours driving a day (and that is on a good traffic day, no construction, accidents, etc). I have to wake up a 5:00am to get myself awake, and ready for work, get him up and packed up, etc. By the time I get home from picking up Jackson it is about 8:00, and it is time to get him ready for bed! I don't even get to see him really. It is so depressing!

So after much talking and thinking with Scott, I have decided to quit my job and work part time waitressing. I got a job at The Macaroni Grill, this restaurant that I used to work at many years ago. They are letting me work 3-4 days a week and do just lunches during the week (unless I want to pick up dinner shifts!) I am so excited! Plus, the restaurant is only 5 minutes away from my sisters house! So no more stress, late hours, long drives, and I get to spend 4 days a week at home with Jackson. It is all such a relief.

This part time thing will definately be better. I have been slowly telling everyone at work; and you know what, everyone has been so amazing. They are all very supportive and understanding. Which has made it so much better. I was so nervous about quitting! But most people have told me that they think I am making the right decision. many said they would have done the exact same thing. They have been very sweet telling me I will be missed, and how great it was having me back. I was definately lucky to work for such a kind company. 

My last day here will be May 30th and then I will be starting at the restaurant. I am actually really loking forward to it, suprisingly enough. Some of my friends are still working there, so I will have familiar faces. Plus it will be busy. I will be on my feet running around so hopfully it will help me loose some of this extra baby weight I haven't lost yet- I just have to be good with staying away from all that yummy pasta!!

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