Sunday, May 13, 2007

My 1st Mother's Day

Today was my very first Mother's Day- and how special it was! First I woke up in the morning to have a lovely bonding time feeding Jackson. While rocking him I thought back to how amazing his birth was and how in just 12 weeks I have changed so much as a woman and a person. My life has a new purpose that I never could have dreamed would feel so wonderful. We have been blessed with such a gift. I will be forever thanking God for trusting us with our precious boy.

After Scott woke up we played with Jackson in his gym had lots of smiles. Then Scott gave me the most beautiful gift from Jackson. It is a pendant of a mother and child and their arms incircle to make a heart. It is so beautiful and absolutly perfect.

We spent the afternoon with Sandy going out to lunch at Clemetine's and then browsed around Grand Pacific Junction. Sandy was so sweet, she gave me these wonderful stepping stones to place in one of my new garden's (whenever it is that we finally make them!) and also two Creeping Flocks plants. They are this beautiful lavender color. I can't wait to plant them.

The evening we visited over at the Jill's and had a lovely dinner and just enjoyed eachother's company. My mom gave me my whole start to my herb garden! I know what I am doing this weekend! I hope we have nice weather so I can get it all dug up and placed. Bonnie gave me the most beautiful Orchid. It is this very pretty purple color. I hope that I can take good care of her- I have never been good with Orchids. But I will definately try! This was such a special day and i will always remember it.

Thank you Mom's- I have such amazing role model's in each of you. All I can hope is that I can become as wonderful a mother as you have all been to me, Scott and Anna and Sophie. I love you!

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